One of the central tenets of Christian spirituality (and indeed much non-Christian spirituality, too) is the necessity of dying to self -- that is, the false self that culture, our own egos, and other people claim us to ...
The value of work involving care for small children, the sick, disabled and elderly is an important component of Catholic Social Teaching which emphasizes human dignity, fostering solidarity with the vulnerable, and the common good. The demographics of longer lives and smaller families mean more...
The New Testament makes roughly 40 references to Jesus praying. Have you ever wondered what the prayer time of Jesus looked like, or considered in what this prayer consisted? Some of these prayers of Jesus were...
As the new year unfolds, let’s turn our attention and prayer toward a more peaceful and equitable world. Catholic Relief Services sent out this beautiful and thoughtful prayer for peace.
Father of Jesus,
You who sent your angels to ...
Any true mission or vocation must arise from and be anchored in a keen awareness of who we are. Understanding our own belovedness and the particular ways in which we are graced by God ensures that we are undertaking the right mission for the right reasons, and sustains us through the inevitable sacrifices. Moreover, a...
Did you know that climate change is threatening children’s education around the world? Globally, extreme weather events are closing schools for days and sometimes weeks. While the greatest impact is felt in Asia and Africa, a recent estimate suggests that closures due to heat are increasing quickly in the United States as well. UNICEF studies reveal that children today are experiencing twice as...
Any “scope” through which we view the Mystery of God is always too narrow, as there will always be some aspect of creation left outside of the scope. The people of ancient Israel occasionally fell into a narrow notion of God, declaring, for instance, thar God had “not dealt thus with other nations, not taught them hi...
In his book Mary Today, Trappist monk M. Basil Pennington, O.S.C.O., reflects on how Mary’s contemplative openness shaped her Divine Motherhood, and how she challenges us to likewise be transformed:
Mary had the courage to be ...
A former athlete and alum from Oakville Senior High, Magdalen Pike, has founded a nonprofit, Passback, to “upcycle” used sports equipment of all kinds ranging from balls and cones to uniforms and bags. The donated items go to ...
As we draw close to the end of the Advent season, we at MMOC have been blessed with many resources in our bulletin that enrich our preparation for Christ’s birth. The Laudato Si’ movement has provided a beautiful prayer that celebrates this joyful event in the context of God as our creator. We are guided to...
For your reflection and prayer, our Christmas gift to you is the text of this hymn composed by Third Order Franciscan Ted Whitam, sung to the music of “Sussex Caril.” Merry Christmas from the MMOC Contemplative Core Team ([email protected])!
When God’s creation first began,
the planets sing, in orbits go,...
Paul Schulte brings us the final installment in our series of Advent reflections by the MMOC Contemplative Core Team on Pope Francis’s September 5, 2021 Angelus address. If you feel called, read the whole article from Pope Francis at and send an email to [email protected] with your thoughts:
Pope Francis presented a reflection in St Pet...
As the holidays approach, there are steps we can take to shop in ways that protect our planet. Buy only what you or the recipient actually need; ask yourself if these purchases contribute to satisfaction of a need or to the person’s well-being. Consider ...
Steve Krieger brings us the third in our series of Advent reflections on Pope Francis’s September 5, 2021 Angelus address. You can read the whole article from Pope Francis at
In light of the Gospel for that day...
The Education for Justice newsletter, published by the Ignatian Solidarity Network, cites
data from the United Nations estimating that by the close of 2022, over 670 million people (just under 10% of global population) remained in extreme poverty, defined as ...
This week, Carolyn Hebenstreit looks to the upcoming Advent Season with the first in a series of reflections by the MMOC Contemplative Core Team on Pope Francis’s September 5 2021 Angelus address. A link to the full address can be found on our webpage at
Listening for the Hope of Advent
During the Angelus in September of...
Prayer After the Elections
As the U.S. elections come to a close,
Help us to reflect not just on the elections’ outcomes
But also, on their significance for charting
The path to a just future for all....
Thanks to assistance from our community members, all are invited to join us in the practice of Centering Prayer!
Third Tuesday of the month beginning
November 19 / 10:30 to 11:30am / Classrooms 1 & 2 at MMOC
Margaret Poirrier will facilitate these sessions. If you’re interested in participating, please sign up using SignupGenius...
The National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States voted to designate November as Black Catholic History Month in 1990. November marks a time when the Church prays for all saints and...