I believe MOST -- if not ALL -- members of Mary Mother DO.
Contemplative prayer can flow from any form of prayer: Mass, the rosary -- ANY kind of prayer. It is not anything WE do, but a pure gift from God within us. Contemplative prayer is simply being with God and surrendering ourselves to Him as best we can.
When you receive the Eucharist 99% of the time you are praying contemplatively. Or when you come to church early to have some quiet time with Him -- to just BE with Him.
When you go to the chapel to spend time with Him in adoration and love, you are praying contemplatively. Especially when you just sit in His Presence, love Him and let Him love you!
God is LOVE and love is diffusive of itself. God loves you unconditionally in an enormous way. You may not "feel" LOVED or even LOVABLE. Just know -- IN FAITH -- that God LOVES YOU TREMENDOUSLY. Bask in His love!