When engaged with your thoughts, return ever-so-gently to the sacred word.” —third guideline of Centering Prayer process
Thoughts are inevitable, integral and a normal part of this prayer. Just as we are unable to stop our hearts from beating or our lungs from breathing, we will be unable to stop our brains from thinking. Remember that when we use the word “thoughts” we are using it as an umbrella term to mean any thought, feeling, emotion, body sensation or perception. Since Centering Prayer is a prayer of consent rather than of effort, we don’t try to stop our thoughts. It’s helpful for us to develop a friendly attitude towards thoughts and not resist them.
By returning to the sacred word, we are letting go of the thought and returning to our intention to consent to God’s presence and action within. While we don’t repeat the sacred word over and over again like one would use a mantra, we don’t worry if we find ourselves returning to the sacred word many times. Fr. Thomas says in Open Mind, Open Heart, “This constant starting over with patience, calm, and acceptance trains us for the acceptance of the whole of life.”