We invite you to practice the prayer of welcome by praying this excerpt from “Litany of Letting Go” from the Center for Contemplative Living, or develop your own litany to help you be present to Presence!
Let us now prepare to Surrender ourselves to the Lord.... letting go of all our needs and desires that dwell in our unconsciousness....
The compulsions of our subconscious.... the frailties of our human condition... The clutter of life that obstructs us from becoming our true-selves in Christ...
I let go of my desire for Power and Control... I release them to you Lord Christ
I let go of my desire for Safety and Security... I release them to you Lord Christ
I let go of my desire for Affection and Approval... I release them to you Lord Christ
I let go of my desire to Change Situations... People... Emotions... I release them to you Lord Christ
Thank you Lord Christ for taking these burdens upon yourself at the cross... Thank you for Your Love and Mercy and Grace...
Let us continue in God’s presence giving him our attention... A time of Communing with God with our hearts and minds and souls.... Sensing God’s Love washing over us and dwelling within us.... Like streams of Living Water filling us to overflowing.... God’s Presence.... His Divine Indwelling...
Whenever thoughts begin to bubble up let them go and when a thought begins to distract you, as the Lord says.... Be still and know that I am God....