Scientist and theologian Ilia Delio describes the Holy Spirit as fire and extends an invitation to “let go into God’s loving embrace” through contemplative practice: Real fire is destructive; throw yourself into a fire and you will be destroyed. [The Holy Spirit]’s fire is destructive too because it can swiftly eliminate all self-illusions, grandiose ideas, ego-inflation, and self-centeredness… Deep within the cave of my heart… I recognize a fire… Through that glowing fire I see the outline of a face, the face of Christ, but I also see my face, and then I begin to see Christ’s face as my face. Sometimes I cannot tell Christ’s face from my own face, and all at once I recognize a single face whose eyes are looking inward and outward… I have come to know that the fire in my heart is the fire in the heart of the universe and that its flames will not be extinguished. This fire will destroy that which is not God and forge what is God into an ever-radiant new presence of God because God is forever being born within us. In this life, at this moment…. I let go over and over again and jump into the lap of God’s loving embrace. Every moment I am falling in love with God. For God knows me in a deep way, a way that I still hardly know myself …. I have a mission because every person has a mission—to be the truth of who they are so that God can be God in them. Contact us at 314-578-0062 or [email protected]!