For your reflection and prayer, our Christmas gift to you is the text of this hymn composed by Third Order Franciscan Ted Whitam, sung to the music of “Sussex Caril.” Merry Christmas from the MMOC Contemplative Core Team ([email protected])! When God’s creation first began, the planets sing, in orbits go, rocks and lizards praise One they know, Word and Wisdom carry God’s plan.
(Chorus) When time was set anew for you, God refreshed, Word is born for you.
Women and men danced with their God, Some loved God still, some lost ways trod – some fought in hate, stuffed sick with greed. Some turned their backs on all in need.
Then God’s wise Word was incarnate, Jesus the Son, human-divine. Word and Wisdom still made the sign: God still forgives, new life creates.
So dear Saint Francis meant to show the baby Jesus in manger there. Word and Wisdom were full of care, In loving Him, more love you’ll know.
Jesus lives, him we choose to adore, turn from our self-centredness, in his good time, we will be blessed, and dance with God for ever more.