The New Testament makes roughly 40 references to Jesus praying. Have you ever wondered what the prayer time of Jesus looked like, or considered in what this prayer consisted? Some of these prayers of Jesus were prayed in community, so we have a good idea of the substance of offerings like the Our Father (Mt 6:9-13, Lk 11:2-4) or the many prayers of the Last Supper. But there are also numerous instances in which all we know is that “he would withdraw to deserted places to pray” (Lk 3:16). It is highly unlikely that these solitary times of prayer were nothing more than Jesus uttering spoken words to his Beloved Source. More likely, these “hidden” moments of prayer were experiences of and lived participation in the communion of the Persons of the Trinity, which Jesus then translated into the familiar words we know in an effort to invite others into the same communion Centering Prayer and other contemplative practices are a way of accepting the invitation of Jesus to pray in and from the heart of God, beyond words. A monthly Centering Prayer gathering is offered at MMOC as one opportunity for those wishing to join in the Trinitarian prayer that Jesus knew: CENTERING PRAYER GATHERING ALL ARE WELCOME! Every third Tuesday of the month (next meeting January 21) 10:30 to 11:30am, Classrooms 1 & 2 at MMOC Margaret Poirrier will facilitate. Interested in participating? Please go to SignUpGenius at, or call the Parish Office at (314) 894-1373. For more information e-mail the MMOC Contemplative Core Team at [email protected]