As the holidays approach, there are steps we can take to shop in ways that protect our planet. Buy only what you or the recipient actually need; ask yourself if these purchases contribute to satisfaction of a need or to the person’s well-being. Consider gifts that don’t come in boxes or other packaging; take people out for a meal, buy tickets to a movie, concert, sporting event, etc., or plan a day trip. We want our gifts to build bonds and to reflect love and care. Similarly, you could make a charitable donation in your recipient’s name to a cause they champion. Buying gifts early can also help protect the environment; avoiding the need for rush shipping and ordering multiple gifts from the same retailer to be shipped together can reduce transportation costs and the amount of packaging needed. When possible, consider the lifetime of the product, as more durable items will lead to less discarding and replacing that have negative environmental impacts. Giving a gift from or gift certificate to a thrift or consignment shop is also a great way to reduce and reuse. These strategies can help us meet our responsibility to protect the environment while enhancing the gift-giving experience.