Throughout the last several weekly bulletins, we have addressed areas of peace and justice ministry. This week we focus on Sharing the Message: preaching and education. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops ( USCCB) instructs in their document “Salt and Light” that Catholic Social Teaching (CST) must be an essential part of the curriculum and life of our schools, religious education programs, sacramental preparation, and Christian initiation activities. MMOC provides many such opportunities such as PSR, Youth Ministry, Children’s Liturgy during Sunday Mass, Contemplative Prayer group, Scripture Studies, Christian Initiation of Adults, and others. Let’s deepen our commitment to CST by joining one or more of these parish groups. Information on each ministry can be found on our website,, or through contacting group leaders, whose contact information is in this and all weekly bulletins. Not only do these group activities deepen each member’s faith, but they also offer a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parish members, thus enriching our personal as well as faith lives and sense of parish community. Submitted by Sharon Barron 314-892-2331