New Parishioners need to feel that they have made the right decision to join us at Mary Mother. What better way than to have “veteran” parishioners visit them and bring them a Welcome Bag full of good wishes. An Ambassador is the resource for that new parishioner when they have a question. You don’t need a lot of experience – just a desire to reach out and be the “radiant” light to others.
This ministry provides meals for our parishioners who are recuperating from injury, surgery, serious illness and/or returning home from a hospital stay. Meals will be lovingly provided by your fellow parishioners upon request for a limited time.
The families of a loved one who has died are going through so much dealing with the death and funeral, this Ministry reaches out by offering a luncheon for the family and friends immediately following the Mass and/or burial. Food is provided by the many, many volunteer “cooks” of our parish and served by even more loving and caring hands. We hope that this lifts one thing off the shoulders of the grieving family.
Our parish outreach program allows parishioners to submit requests and to subscribe to receive specific types of mass email notifications, including prayer requests, help requests, parish activity announcements and breaking news.
To subscribe to notifications, simply send an email to [email protected] that includes your name, email address and the type(s) of notification you wish to receive. Click here to subscribe!
To submit a prayer or help request, simply send an email to [email protected] with your request as outlined below.
Prayer Requests: These requests are made by parishioners on their own behalf or on behalf of some other individual(s) within our community. Requestors provide a brief request that includes who is being prayed for and for what purpose. Requestor should first obtain permission from person(s) for whom request is made. No pictures, Novenas or “quaint” chain emails, though. These will be rejected. Also acceptable, and often appreciated, is a follow-up email on how the prayed for individual is doing.
Help Requests: These requests are made by parishioners on their own behalf or on behalf of some other individual(s) within our community. Requestors provide a description of the type of assistance needed and the time it is needed. Also provided in the request, but only included in the email if the requestor asks, is the requestor’s name and contact information. Anyone interested in assisting should reply to the Help Request email. The Outreach Coordinator (gate keeper) will then provide the respective parties with each other's contact information. Only requests for personal, non-financial assistance or for help with parish sponsored activities will be accepted.
Parish Activity Announcements: These notifications will be distributed once per week, usually on Friday afternoon, and will serve as reminders of events soon to take place at Mary Mother. Only one notice per event will be allowed. Announcements are submitted through and managed by the parish office.
Breaking News: These notifications are to alert parishioners of parish activity cancellations or delays due to such things as hazardous driving/parking conditions or compromised utilities. These notifications are provided exclusively by authorized parish staff.
If you feel called to this ministry, please contact us:
Denise Fuhr
[email protected]
Cards such as thinking of you, get well soon, sympathy, etc. are sent to parishioners who need a reminder that the Mary Mother family is thinking about them and praying for them in their time of need.
Mary, Mother is a welcoming Community of generous Disciples of the Lord who strive to live our lives with joy and gratitude for the gifts we have received and are eager to share. We build the Body of Christ for others, and through that, our personal union with God is strengthened. Stewardship in action is Prayer, Participation and Generosity. In Prayer, we are thankful for our blessings, our families, our Parish, those in our lives and for others who have asked for our prayers. In Participation, we reach out to others near and far with our lives, experiences, and talents. This is YOUR opportunity to make a return for all the graces God has given you! There is a great need for action now! Through our Generosity, we share our time and monetary blessings to help all grow spiritually and maneuver through life’s many challenges.
If you feel called to this ministry, please contact us:
Bruce Buerkle
Commission Chairperson
[email protected]