This week’s Corner comes from parishioner and MMOC Contemplative Core Team member Carolyn Hebenstreit:
St. Teresa when asked what contemplative prayer is answered, 'Contemplative prayer in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.'
Yes, God wants to spend time with us. He is not too busy. God wants to share in our joys and our worries. Every moment of every day He is right there waiting for us to turn to Him and God wants to actively share!
Sharing between friends requires listening as well as talking. As you would listen to a friend, spend some time listening to Jesus. There is no better time than now as we celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice and glorious resurrection. When other thoughts come into your mind just let them float away as you would while listening to your best friend.
In Centering Prayer we use a word to help trigger the letting go but it isn’t necessary. Twenty minutes is a common time used for a “sit” but isn’t written in stone. There are phone apps that some find useful. The only thing required is the desire to be alone with the one we know loves us!