Every element of our prayer practice should be chosen and intended as a gateway into greater awareness of Divine Presence and Union, a “latching on” point to the waves of infinite Goodness and Love in which we constantly swim. Dedicated prayer time and space are important in the measure to which they become reliable points of immersion into encounter with the Love of God, and they are encouraged so that we have such an “anchor space” when we need it. These ready points of access are infinite, so each of us will find unique variations on contemplative practice uniquely suited to our person. Scripture readings, poetry, music and chant, and breathing and movement all have the potential to strengthen and enhance contemplative practice… or detract from it. Remember that contemplative practice should cultivate in us a rhythm of welcome and detachment, and interior space wherein we can receive, but not cling to, God’s gift of contemplation when it is given. So, when refining the elements of our particular practices, we should evaluate our choices on whether or not they support us in that purpose. Can we enter and leave our prayer space with equal ease? Does our chosen music usher in interior stillness, or do we get stuck on it? Does our movement help us to center down, or do we find ourselves obsessing over details? If such practices open us to Divine Flow, they can be rightly integrated as part of our chosen “access point.”