We encourage you to review Matthew 1:1-16 together with this meditation. The genealogy of Jesus is startling evidence of God’s gentle persistence in overwhelming, with good, the chaotic actions of humankind: Judah visited prostitutes, Rahab deceived by covering up her night visitors; David had an affair and murdered; Solomon flirted with other spirits; all to arrive at Joseph, the right man as a husband, to provide a safe tender place for Mary to be able to welcome and surrender her body to God. (Mary’s own forbears seem to be irrelevant – good on her!) Stay with this instance of a truly gentle man, carefully respecting the dignity of a strong and humble woman in a vulnerable state, and be oh, so grateful for their welcome of God’s presence and action. What chaos in your life are you patiently waiting on God to overwhelm with good? Entrust your very being, and your circumstances, to Christ. Where, in your life, are you called to overwhelm the chaos of another with the goodness of God flowing through you? Let the Holy Spirit challenge and act in you. How do you care, or have you cared, for another vulnerable person? Perhaps, like most of us, you can also recall when you have trampled on another’s fragile self. Talk to the God who is Love about all the feelings that surface. Material for this meditation provided by unforcedrhythms.org; additional material provided by MMOC Contemplative Core Team. Contact us at 314-578-0062 or [email protected]!