Steve Krieger brings us the third in our series of Advent reflections on Pope Francis’s September 5, 2021 Angelus address. You can read the whole article from Pope Francis at
In light of the Gospel for that day (the healing of the deaf man with a speech impediment), Pope Francis focused on our “hearing” and listening skills. Are we attentive to family members, friends or work associates? Beyond the physical ability to hear, the Pope identified our “interior deafness” as more crucial to hearing what others are saying. This interior deafness, however, will be healed by Jesus if we but ask. What really struck me from the Pope’s homily was his identification of Jesus as the “Word”. He went on to say: “if we do not stop to listen to Him, He moves on”. Think about that statement; sit with it for a moment…… After saying this, the Pope then quoted a line from St. Augustine who said: “I fear that Jesus will pass by me unnoticed”. To which, the Pope added: “And the fear, was to let Him pass by without hearing Him”. Consider this: Jesus is the Word. The Word is so powerful that when spoken by God the Father, all creation happened! The universe, the galaxies, the stars and planets; billions and billions of them, ‘obeyed’ the Word! Ultimately, God’s most beloved creation, you – me – all of humanity was spoken into being. Especially during this Advent time of anticipation, are we able or willing to listen to the Word? How well do we center and silence ourselves and invite the Word into our hearts? Centering Prayer opens us to grace and blessings that extend beyond hearing the Word, and allow us to better listen to those in our human family/community/world. Consider joining us during our Contemplative Prayer time, and “hear in silence”. Visit SignUp Genius to register to join us in Centering Prayer on December 17.