How Can the Digital Divide Be Eliminated?
The Covid Pandemic and the subsequent closures highlighted how necessary digital access is. How many people do you know who had Thanksgiving Dinner in 2020 with family on Zoom? Think of the digital access, knowledge and finances that were necessary to do that. And digital access, knowledge and financial resources were even more critical for all the students during school closures. Who suffered the most and lost the most educational advancement when digital access was necessary? It was, of course, those without the resources and knowledge to use the digital system; in other words, those who live in poverty. According to the St. Louis Digital Divide Report, there are resources coming together to address this inequity. Some programs that have been in existence for many years as well as recent federal programs related to Pandemic relief will be joined with local resources and philanthropy to help correct this situation if there is enough political will.
For reflection: is digital access a luxury or is it now a necessity? Was there a time when we would have asked the same question about electricity? what would Jesus say about those in poverty and their need for digital access?
Interested in joining the Peace and Justice Ministry? Call Saralou Hendrickson at 314-440-2020.