What are some reasons why we should exercise our right to vote in every election? 1) We build our democracy with votes, expressing what we as citizens think is in our collective interest and empowering elected officials to act in our name to promote those interests; 2) It’s the power of the vote that keeps our elected officials accountable; 3) If only some people vote, elected officials are likely to give less weight to the interests and views of non-participants; 4) It is sometimes said that no one’s vote makes a decisive difference, but each person’s vote makes our democracy more representative of the will of its citizens. In close elections, small numbers of votes can be decisive; 5) Our country and our world face significant challenges that require the action of government: climate change, inequality, global conflict, terrorism, and poverty. As faithful citizens it is essential that we vote on the basis of our informed views and values for those candidates who offer the best public policy responses to these challenges. Do we take the time to define the issues we view as most important and carefully gather unbiased information about candidates and ballot issues, so that we can vote responsibly, for our own benefit and the benefit of our neighbors ( including those unable to vote themselves, such as children, persons whose health may make voting difficult, those who are not yet citizens, etc.)