In his post-Resurrection appearances, Jesus clearly demonstrates that he is alive. However, as has been noted by a great number of scripture scholars, theologians, faithful people, and casual observers over the centuries, there is a new quality to Jesus's life after he is raised, as evidenced by disciples’ inability to ...
Spiritual director and contemplative Kelly Chripczuk discuses tides as an image of contemplative surrender during this Eastertide. I’ve not lived close enough to a large body of water to know much about tides, but something feels right about this pairing. An incoming tide lifts everything...
Fr. Thomas Keating continues to demonstrate how Mary Magdalene’s initial encounter with the risen Jesus served as a guide and catalyst to lead her through the contemplative journey. … Mary [Magdalene] is sent to be the apostle of the apostles. What makes an apostle is divine love, nothing else. “You, my brothers [and sisters],” Jesus says through...
In the Christian scheme of things, the movement from the human condition to divine transformation requires the mediation of a personal relationship with God. The personal love of Jesus facilitates the growth of this relationship… The simple utterance of one word, “Mary!” brought to focus ...