From Archbishop Rozanski’s Statement after the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict: “We acknowledge that the verdict in this trial does not erase the pain we have all felt as we witnessed someone needlessly die in such an inhumane manner. It also does not eradicate the sin of...
Andy Dapron reflects: Iconographer Andrei Rublev’s work The Trinity presents a rather striking image of the three Persons of the Godhead engaged in table fellowship. Looking at the image, I am reminded of...
“Net wealth is the total assets one has minus total debt. This includes savings from income, home and land equity, 401k investments, stocks or bonds, and equity from businesses. The median net worth of white households is...
As we celebrate the first disciples and the Church receiving the Holy Spirit, Joy Kleucker offers this prayer, often used at contemplative prayer gatherings, as another perspecti0ve on what it means to “receive” God. LET YOUR GOD LOVE YOU by Edwina Whately Be silent Be still Alone Empty Before Your God Say ...
This week’s Corner comes from parishioner and MMOC Contemplative Core Team member Carolyn Hebenstreit: St. Teresa when asked what contemplative prayer is answered, 'Contemplative prayer in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means...
From Archbishop Rozanski’s Statement after the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict: “We all need to continue to work together – civil and religious leaders, families, activists, young and old – to continue...
Saralou Hendrickson reflects: Father Richard Rohr, OFM, founded the Center for Action and Contemplation out of the need he saw for the integration of action and contemplation. When asked which word is the more important, he will say...