Contemplative practice allows us to see the glory of simply being. The great Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins certainly recognized the Divine Presence in the “dappled things” as they are. Parishioner and contemplative practitioner Joy Kleucker offers this selection in the hopes of aiding our own recognition: PIED BEAUTY Glory be to God for dappled things -- For skies as couple-colored as a...
“When I have lost harmony with another, my whole life is thrown out of tune. God tends to be remote and far away when a desert and sea appear between me and another. I draw close to God as I draw close to my fellow people. The great incentive remains ever alert; I cannot be...
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious about many things. One thing is needed. Mary has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her.” (Luke 10:41-42) One of the greatest gifts of Contemplative Prayer is that it teaches us to...
So many times, we come to prayer looking for something in particular: healing, comfort, reconciliation, knowledge, insight, an answer, a miracle. All of these desires are good, for in any meaningful relationship we make known the desires of our heart in one way or another. Our relationship with God should be no different. Yet, any mutually enriching relationship should be...
How happy, how carefree, how joyful you are if you have a friend with whom you may talk as freely as with yourself, to whom you neither fear to confess any fault nor blush at revealing any spiritual progress, to whom you...
"…the essence of white culture is a worldview that sees itself as the measure of what is real, standard, normative, and/or normal White culture is a perspective that measures, but is seldom measured; studies, but is rarely studied; analyzes, but is not often analyzed, evaluates but is typically not evaluated.” From Racial Justice and the Catholic Church by Father Bryan N. Massingale, professor of ...