Parishioner Margaret Poirrier shares how changing her relationship with her thoughts helped her to engage in contemplative practice: I’ve been involved with prayer groups for 50 yrs. I had been exposed to Centering Prayer but felt a failure because I was unable to banish my thoughts. When Contemplative prayer was offered here at Mary Mother...
While the fruits of contemplation manifest themselves differently in each person, the common experience of contemplatives tells us that one of the fruits we can reasonably anticipate from regular practice is ...
Benedictine nun and author Joan Chittister addresses the importance of patience in the contemplative life: “O snail,/ climb Mount Fuji/ But slowly, slowly…” the haiku master and lay Buddhist priest Issa writes. The haiku, in its short, sharp way, makes [these] points: [T]here is more to life than...
The notion of heaven requires a corresponding belief that there is an immortal element to creation, something at once intertwined with our material selves and yet...