Strictly speaking, nothing external is needed for a Centering Prayer period or any contemplative practice. All that is needed is a willingness to be open and present to the Presence and Action of God, and for Centering Prayer, the practice of the four guidelines (see for more information on these guidelines). Nevertheless, ...
Black Catholic History Month On July 24,1990 the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States designated November as Black Catholic History Month to celebrate the long history and proud heritage of Black Catholics. It also marks a time to share in remembrance, the saints and souls of Africa and the African Diaspora. The decision to ...
We invite you to practice the prayer of welcome by praying this excerpt from “Litany of Letting Go” from the Center for Contemplative Living, or develop your own litany to help you be present to Presence! Let us now prepare to Surrender ourselves to ...
As Election Day (Nov. 8) draws near, we need to fully embrace our duty as Catholics and citizens and to consider the voting difficulties facing some of our brothers and sisters due to the passage of HB 1878. While the requirement of a photo ID may seem ...
What are some reasons why we should exercise our right to vote in every election? 1) We build our democracy with votes, expressing what we as citizens think is in our collective interest and empowering elected officials to act in our name to promote those interests; 2) It’s the power of the vote that keeps our ...
“Contemplation” is not a prayer method or technique, but rather a gift of God, offered to all, but often more readily received by those of us who cultivate open minds and open hearts, especially through prayer practices. Virtually any prayer practice can serve as a gateway to contemplation, if it is approached with a ...
As stewards of our democracy, we must pursue a shared moral vision of our future that is deeply rooted in our religious values. The right to vote and the integrity of the vote remain foundational pillars of our democracy. This belief has strong intellectual and ...
As we approach the November 2022 elections, let's reflect on voting as our duty as Christians and Catholics. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), drawing from Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium, writes that the obligation to participate in political life is rooted in our baptismal commitment to follow Jesus Christ and to bear witness in all we do. Despite the divisiveness and rancor often present in political discussions, the Church calls for...
When engaged with your thoughts, return ever-so-gently to the sacred word.” —third guideline of Centering Prayer process Thoughts are inevitable, integral and a normal part of this prayer. Just as we are unable to stop our hearts from beating or our lungs from breathing, we will be unable to stop our brains from thinking. Remember that when we use the word “thoughts” we are using it as an umbrella term to...