We know that Jesus was especially drawn to the outcasts in his society: sinners, tax collectors, prostitutes, the blind, the lame, itinerants. These were the people on the margins of Jesus’ society, the ones who would have...
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) teaches that we have an obligation to participate in the political life of our country, drawing on our principles and...
Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees “The presence of migrants and refugees represents a great challenge, but at the same time, an immense opportunity for the cultural and spiritual growth of everyone. Thanks to them, we have the chance to know better our world and its beautiful diversity. We can grow in our common humanity and...
For use in your prayer practice, we offer “The Pearl of Great Price” by artist Daniel Bonnell. What does this image awaken in you? In your prayer life? What new insight does this ...
Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees “In Isaiah’s prophecy, the arrival of foreigners is presented as a source of enrichment: The abundance of the sea shall be brought to you, and the wealth of the nations shall come to you” (Is 60:5) Indeed, history teaches us that the...
The things that can distract us during our contemplative prayer periods are many and varied. While we certainly can find our attention divided by internal struggles and the “monkey mind” hopping from thought to another, external stimuli provide plenty of distractions of their own. Early in the contemplative journey, simple sounds like...
Your (Imperfect) Contemplative Prayer Life So…you have practiced Centering Prayer and you know what it is – a method to lead you to contemplative prayer – but doing it two times a day every day eludes you. When you sit down to do Centering prayer, your thoughts are rattling around in your head and it might take 20 minutes just to...
Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees “We wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home.” (2Pet3:13) “The righteousness of the Kingdom must be understood as the fulfillment of God’s harmonious plan…But for this wondrous harmony to reign, we must accept Christ’s salvation, his Gospel of love, so that the many forms of inequality and discrimination in the present world may be eliminated. No one must be excluded. God’s plan is ...