Theologian Barbara Holmes discusses sacred space beyond our usual holy environments: We are told that Jesus hung out with publicans, tax collectors, and sinners. Perhaps during these sessions of music, laughter, and food fellowship, there were also...
Were you aware of the inextricable link between housing and mental health? Research by the Department of Housing and Urban Development has found that housing insecurity exposes ...
Contemplation is often associated with physical stillness. While practices such as Centering Prayer involve a body being at rest, motion certainly has a place in contemplative practice. The real “rest” in ...
This week, we invite you to practice Lectio Divina with this New Jerusalem Bible translation of a passage from the Book of Wisdom. With the first reading, listen with your heart's ear for a phrase or word that stands out for you. During the second reading, reflect on what touches you, perhaps speaking that response aloud or writing in a journal. Third, respond with a prayer or expression of what you have experienced and what it...
Solutions to homelessness must be grounded in individual rights, a pursuit of equity, and acknowledgment of our biases; all voices are necessary. Such solutions require a diversity of demographics, culture, opinion and experience. Further, we must embrace ...
More than 200 homes in the City of St. Louis have undergone much needed repair and renovation this year. In the Walnut Park East neighborhood, home values rarely exceed $20,000, making home equity loans difficult to...
Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI, a leading figure in the modern contemplative prayer movement, was questioned on a recent retreat about the challenges of remaining faithful to prayer in the midst of the many distractions we all face. His answer was...
Housing and health problems are intertwined. According to the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, policy decisions like residential segregation and the failure of some states to expand Medicaid have created barriers to both stable housing and ...
Fr. Daniel Renaud, OMI continues exploring the roots of the Contemplative Prayer movement: [Christian contemplation] can first be traced to the many hours of silent prayers Jesus spent, especially before the breaking of dawn and the morning meal. He sought God’s presence as...