This week we read a quote of Pope Francis’ from the second chapter of his encyclical Laudato Si’. This part of the chapter is called “The Wisdom of Biblical Accounts”....
One document that is crucial to read for our day and time is Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’. Parts of Laudato Si’ will be presented as food for thought for you during April as the earth wakes and we celebrate the new life of our glorious Easter time. Here are the opening paragraphs of the Pope’s moving words on caring for...
According to an article on the World Wildlife Federation website, of the water that covers 70% of our planet, only 3% is fresh water and two thirds of that is in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for...
Suffering plays a key role in the contemplative life. We all experience fundamental needs for safety and security, belonging and acceptance, and control. One way to think of suffering is as a state in which one must trust God alone for safety and...
At the MMOC Contemplative Core Team’s recent workshop on The Welcoming Prayer, Deacon Bob Smerek summarized a practice to welcome all of life as an opportunity to love as the Divine loves and be one with the Trinity: Sit quietly and think of three issues/things that...
The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed an update to a rule to cut methane and other pollutants from oil and gas operations across the country. This would be a huge step forward in ...
When we speak of silence in Centering Prayer and other contemplative practices, we are not speaking primarily of the physical, exterior absence of noise, but rather of an interior awareness of the always-present Presence of God beneath and between our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. As such, while exterior silence may ...