Offerings for your prayer practice this week: It is remarkable that all the Christian mystics have, in one manner or another, reached this mystery of personal union within God [in the Three Persons] and with God...
Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations recently shared this excerpt from Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, who has worked for years nurturing movements that challenge the systemic evils of our time. Here she recalls a Scripture reflection that...
This reflection on the practice of statio by artist and retreat leader Christine Valters Paintner was recently published in Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations. We offer her wisdom in a special way as we prepare to enter the “in-between times” after the changes of All Things New are announced and before they are realized: In the monastic tradition, statio is the practice of stopping one thing before beginning another. It is the acknowledgment that in the space of transition and threshold is a sacred dimension, a holy pause full of possibility. This place between is a place of stillness, ...
At one time or another, we all have had regular habits or practices that were disrupted, perhaps by a major life change, or maybe by a more subtle “getting off track.” Our contemplative practices can be disrupted in the same way – even the most seasoned and dedicated practitioners will recount extended periods of not engaging their practice for any number on reasons: for instance,...
Contemplative Core Team member Carolyn Hebenstreit looks ahead to the upcoming Centering Prayer retreat hosted by Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis, and reflects on her own retreat experience: “The ideal disposition for the divine encounter is the gathering together of one’s whole being in silent and alert attentiveness.” Fr. Thomas Keating Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI is the facilitator for this 8-day retreat of silent prayer, August 4 to 11 at the Marianist Center off Hwy 109. Cost is $975. Partial scholarships are available. This is an opportunity for those who have been practicing Centering Prayer for six months or more for deeper union with God through a communal sharing of silence and stillness. I attended an intensive retreat last summer and found great comfort in ...