One theme Catholic Social Teaching addresses is the Rights and Responsibilities of every Catholic. Our Catholic Church teaches that “each person has human rights as a child and friend of God.” In the encyclical...
MMOC Contemplative Core Team member Paul Schulte discusses how practices of silence like Centering Prayer can help us to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, and offers an opportunity to help us become attuned to...
Catholic Social Teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person We are created in God’s image! (Genesis 1:26-31) As we gathered at table with family and friends during the holidays, did we see the reflection of God in every person? So too with...
This week, we’ll identify the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching ( CST), each of which will be discussed in more detail in coming weeks in our Food for Thought column for the bulletin. We will also be presenting the six areas where the Peace and Justice Ministry will suggest...
“Without doubt, regular periods of physical silence play a crucial role in the spiritual life. It must be cultivated and reverenced. We don’t make retreats alongside highways. Places of.
Over the next several weeks, The Food for Thought column in our weekly bulletin will focus on the seven principles identified by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as the core of...
Carolyn Hebenstreit draws on an audio divina prayer practice to discuss silent contemplation as an expression of love for God: “Contemplation is taking a long loving look at the Real.” Walter Burghardt Distraction comes in so many forms these days – we all experience...