The silence and detachment from thoughts required for Centering Prayer are not to facilitate a lack of attention, but rather to allow us to redirect our attention. By not allowing our attention to be engaged in the normal flurry of passing thoughts, we are finally free to devote the kind of deep attention it takes to ...
“I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Mt12:7 The Missouri Supreme Court has set an execution date of June11th, 2024, for David Hosier. David was sentenced to death for the 2009 murder of Angela Gilpin in Jefferson City. This is Missouri’s second execution of ...
Throughout the last several weekly bulletins, we have addressed areas of peace and justice ministry. This week we focus on Sharing the Message: preaching and education. The U.S. Conference of...
Scientist and theologian Ilia Delio describes the Holy Spirit as fire and extends an invitation to “let go into God’s loving embrace” through contemplative practice: Real fire is destructive; throw yourself into a fire and you will be...
How many of us feel our hearts burning as we view the devastations of war in Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Sudan, and other areas of the world on the news? Do we feel helpless when...
At its core, Centering Prayer is an individual practice, as each practitioner grows in welcoming and detaching from the present moment as it comes. Though we are always in the presence of God, contemplative practice opens us to more consciously and...
The Peace and Justice ministry at MMOC is co- sponsoring a virtual course: Discovering Catholic Social Teaching--A Transformative Journey. There will be four sessions led by Leyden Revelo-Krull, a member of...