WHO – The Council consists of eleven elected adult members who serve three-year terms, one elected youth member who serves a one-year term, and four ex-officio members from the parish staff.
WHAT – The Council is a ministry of our people and pastor together reflecting on the total needs of our parish – spiritual, material, emotional – and how these needs are being met; and on what should be changed or developed in our parish to make it more faithful to what God is calling it to be.
HOW - By engaging in an ongoing process of pastoral planning. Members “wear two hats”: when they sit as a council they are concerned with the total needs of the parish; as the chair of a particular commission or as an officer of the council they are responsible for a specific area or ministry of parish or council.
WHEN – The Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in one of the classrooms. Visitors are always welcome; please contact the Chairperson in advance.
COMMISSIONS OF THE COUNCIL – Commissions have been established to help all in the parish live their baptismal promises of sharing in the ministry of Jesus as priest, prophet and king – to pray, to teach, to serve. The Council carries out His ministry through these commissions: Administration/Finance, Christian Formation, Christian Service, Health Ministry, Liturgy, Missionary Discipleship, Social, and Youth Ministry.