In 2017, at the recommendation of the Athletic Commission and with the consensus of the Parish Council, our parish’s athletic program merged with Assumption’s Athletic Association.
Parents and Coaches will be required to register their children on two different
websites in order to complete signup.
Step 1: SIGN UP (at Assumption)
to register for a team, signup for a concession duty slot, and pay Assumption.
Step 2: REGISTER (with CYC) Navigate to the
Assumption Mattese location and sign up for the correct sport (grade) and team.
Then, upload a picture of your child and pay a $5 fee (one time per year) for each player
and coaches. This fee and photo upload will replace the current CYC card requirements.
If you have any questions or need any more information please reach out to
Ryan Brandt
Assumption Athletic Association President
[email protected]